💡How to Edit a Quote or an Invoice

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to make changes to a quote or invoice.

Note: A quote or invoice can only be edited if no payment has been recorded.


  1. Click on "Sales & Orders" from the side menu and click on "Sales". This will take you to the Sales page.

  2. Find and click on the quote or invoice you want to edit. This will take you to the details page.

  3. Scroll to the bottom and click on the three dots button next to the Share button.

  4. Click on "Edit Sale" from the dropdown to open the edit form.

  5. Fill out the form to make changes.

  6. Save your changes.


If you provide the customer's phone number or email, you can check a box to send them an alert about the quote or invoice. This alert will include a link that the customer can use to view the invoice, receipt, or quote.


I can't find the "Edit Sale" option.

The "Edit Sale" option appears in the dropdown when no payment has been recorded.

How can I edit a sale with payment?

A sale with payment cannot be edited. You can cancel the sale and use the "Create a Copy" option from the dropdown menu to create a copy of the sale.

What happens to my inventory stock when I edit a sale?

Products from the old sale are returned to inventory, and the new quantity is deducted based on your Inventory Reduction settings in your sales settings.

Last updated