
Learn how to integrate our APIs into your application.

API Basics

Before you begin!

You should create a Keepup Store account that you can test the API against. We will provide you with an API key that you can use to make API calls.

The Keepup Store API provides access to almost all the functionalities available in our application, enabling you to extend these features into your own projects. It is designed to follow RESTful principles and is structured around the key resources that you will commonly interact with.

HTTP Methods


Create a new business record. This request is used to add new data to the system.


Retrieve data about a business record. This request is used to view details without making any changes.


Update an existing business record. This request is used to modify all or part of the existing details of a record.


Remove a business record from the system. This request permanently deletes a record.


Authenticate your API calls by including your API key in the Authorization header of every request you make. You can manage your API key from your business settings page.

The API key however, is to be kept secret. If for any reason you believe your API key has been compromised or you wish to reset your API key, you can do so from the business settings page.

Secure your API key

Do not commit your API key to git, or use it in client-side code.

Authorization headers should be in the following format:

Authorization: Bearer API_KEY

Sample Authorization Header

Authorization: Bearer sample.eyJhY2Nlc3NfZGF0YSI6eyJ0b2tlbiI6IjM2ODUzMTgzYzBmNzY0NmZiZmFkN2ViYTdjZTkyZjZmYWJkMjcyMTZkY2U5Njk4OTQ0YTZhODBlNmQ5ZWsdfsadfeafaesfdsctpoosOSDoosdiOiJhcGkifSwiaWF0IjoxNzA1ODUwMDcxfQ.xlFapi-key-kus

Requests and Response

Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Content type for responses will always be application/json. Generally, all responses will be in the following format:

Success Response Format



The HTTP status code indicating a successful operation. 200 is standard for successful requests, 201 is used for requests that result in creation, and 204 is used when the request has been successfully processed but there is no content to return (often used in delete operations).



A message indicating that the request has been successfully completed. Note that for a 204 response, typically no message is included because no content is returned.



An object containing any data returned by the API as a result of the request. For 204, this object is typically empty as no data is returned.

Error Response Format



The HTTP status code indicating an error. Each code has specific meanings: 400 for bad requests, 500 for internal server errors, 401 for unauthorized, 404 for not found, and 402 for payment required.



A general message stating that the request failed.



An object containing details about the specific errors encountered during the request. This may include validation errors or other detailed information.

Last updated