💡How to Create an Order

Learn how to create and manage an order.


  1. Click on "Sales & Orders" from the side menu and click on "Create Order". This will take you to the Create Order page.

  2. Fill out the form:

    • Customer Details: Enter the customer's name, phone number, and email.

    • Products and Services: Add the products or services the customer is buying.

    • Order Fulfillment:

      • Select the fulfillment type (pick-up or delivery).

      • Enter the location name (the name of the area for fulfillment).

      • Provide the landmark (exact delivery location powered by Google Places).

      • Enter the fulfillment cost.

      • Select order status.

      • Enter the delivery/pick-up date

    • Discounts and Taxes: Fill in this section if applicable.

    • Dates and Payment: Enter the issue date, due date, and amount paid if applicable.

    • Save the information.

  3. Share with Customer: Click on the share button at the bottom of the sale to share the sale with your customer via link, WhatsApp, or Telegram.


Can I edit the details after adding a sale to orders?

Yes, you can update the order details at any time.

Last updated