💡How to Manage Your Delivery and Pick Up Locations

This tutorial will guide you through how to manage your delivery and pick-up locations

Steps to Adding a Location:

  1. Click on "Business Settings" from the side menu and click on "Delivery & Pick Up". This will take you to the Delivery & Pick Up page.

  2. Click on the "Add a Location" button. This will show the Add Location form.

  3. Fill out the Add Location form.

  4. Click on the "Submit" button to add the location.

Steps to Import Locations:

  1. Click on the "Import Locations" button. This will show the Import Location form.

  • Steps to import locations:

    • Download CSV Template: Download our CSV template (if you have not already done that). Our CSV template has the required format for importing locations.

    • Upload Product CSV: Upload the CSV file of your locations.

  1. Click on the "Submit" button to upload your locations.

Last updated